Saturday, May 22, 2010

I see dead people

More often than I'd like, I experience death at work. It is usually a very peaceful event and a somber event. I have seen and taken care of these people for months and then one day, its over and they are gone. Oddly, I have no issue with the dead in this case. I wil stay with them when i can and hold their hands as they take their last breath. And when they are gone, I can be close to them. Why can't i go up to a casket?

Friday, May 7, 2010

The shit shift

It is becoming increasingly clear that midnights is the total shit shift. We are the most unappreciated and unrecognized shift. We get the crappy leftovers for nurses week, we don't get to participate in many of the contests, we don't get appreciated or recognized by the sucks. I work hard, if not harder than the other shifts. I have the most patients, I run my ass off. I am part of shit shift...and sometimes it sucks. I just needed to vent.